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Mo i Rana in December: Weather, Average temperature and Climate

Planning a trip and want to know what the weather in Mo i Rana in December will be like? Take a look at our weather guide for Mo i Rana, based on historical data.
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Weather in Mo i Rana in December 2024

Uncomfortable Weather
December may not be the ideal time to visit Mo i Rana, as the weather can be not ideal. The daily average high temperature does not get higher than -1°C, and there are only about 0 sunny days in the month. Typically there are also 19 snowy days, a total monthly rainfall of approximately 89 mm. Pack for extremes to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible. Search flights in one click on Avionero.
Good to know:
  • December is usually the wettest month of the year in Mo i Rana;

Average weather

Avg. max. temperature
89 mm
Total precipitation
Avg. humidity
1 m/s
Avg. wind
0 ☀️
Sunny Days
9 ⛅️
3 🌦
Our opinion: Mo i Rana has uncomfortable weather in December.

Average temperature in Mo i Rana in December

Here are the expected maximum, average and minimum temperatures in Mo i Rana for December based on the historical data.
Last Year
Historical Data

The temperature in December is -5°C on average, with a range between a maximum of +5°C during the day and a minimum of -18°C at night.

The average maximum temperature goes up 4% by the end of the month, compared with the beginning of the month, from -12°C to -11°C.

Is Mo i Rana warm or cold in December?

Mo i Rana is typically cold in December.

Maximum temperatures go down compared to the previous month from +1°C to -1°C. The minimum temperature also goes down from -4°C to -7°C.

Wear your winter warms as it will be cold. To save space, layer, and don’t forget gloves and a scarf.

December is one of the coolest months in Mo i Rana, here is the comparison with other months:

Climate in Mo i Rana in December

Mo i Rana weather looks like this, on average, in December and the surrounding months.
Avg. temperature
Min. temperature
Max. temperature
89 mm89 mm87 mm
1 m/s1 m/s2 m/s
Air pressure
1007 HPa1004 HPa1005 HPa
Sunny days
Cloudy days
Rainy days
Snowy days

December weather is still as bad as in November. It’s getting colder in December. From +1°C in the day, the average maximum temperature lowers to -1°C. The rainfall amount in December stays the same as in the previous month with a 89 mm of total precipitation. Humidity levels don’t change as the month goes on, averaging around 89%. The average wind speed doesn’t change much during December, staying around 1 m/s. The days becoming less sunny, going from 1 sunny days in November to 0 in December.

January brings much the same weather, it remains bad.


Wind speed in Mo i Rana in December based on historical data.
Last Year
Historical Data

The average wind speed is 2 m/s getting up to 5 m/s which is a light breeze; barely moving the tree leaves.

The average wind speed in Mo i Rana is gradually increasing during December, going from 1 m/s to 3 m/s over the course of the month.


Amount of rainfall in mm during December in Mo i Rana based on historical data.
Last Year
Historical Data
Typically, there is a 13% chance of rain on an average day in December, with total rainfall of approximately 68 mm. The maximum amount of rainfall per day is around 23 mm, which is considered light rain. Mo i Rana is amazing in December with as little as 4 rainy days on average, so plan adventures in the great outdoors.
Here’s how December is compared with other months in the amount of precipitation, total mm:
Mo i Rana wettest month is September, where a typical day has a 70% chance of precipitation and 168 mm of rainfall per day. February, on the other hand, is the driest month with a mere 7% chance of precipitation and 76 mm of rainfall per day.


Amount of snow in mm during December in Mo i Rana based on historical data.
Last Year
Historical Data
Typically, there is a 19% chance of snow on an average day in December, with a total monthly snowfall of approximately 56 mm.

December is one of the snowiest months in Mo i Rana.

Here’s how December is compared with other months in the amount of snow, total mm:

How was the weather last December in Mo i Rana?

This is the weather in Mo i Rana in December 2023:
1 December
2 December
3 December
4 December
5 December
6 December
7 December
8 December
9 December
10 December
11 December
12 December
13 December
14 December
15 December
16 December
17 December
18 December
19 December
20 December
21 December
22 December
23 December
24 December
25 December
26 December
27 December
28 December
29 December
30 December
31 December
In December 2023 Mo i Rana had 1 sunny days, 21 cloudy days, and 3 rainy days. The average maximum temperature was -5°C, with an absolute maximum of +5°C and a minimum of -15°C. The average humidity was 88%, with a maximum of 99% and a minimum of 76%. The average wind speed was 2 m/s, with a maximum of 10 m/s and a minimum of 0 m/s.
Are you planning a trip in December?

Climate Change over Years

This is how Mo i Rana climate have been changing during last 43 years period.

The climate in Mo i Rana in December has not changed much over the last 43 years.

The average temperature was the lowest in 1981 (+5°C) and the highest in 2006 (+8°C). The driest year was 1980 with only 720 mm of rainfall, and the wettest year was 2022 with 2163 mm.


Frequently asked questions about the weather in Mo i Rana in December:

Is December a good time to visit Mo i Rana?

There is never a bad time to go to Mo i Rana, but the weather isn’t the best in December, so plan on enjoying the great indoor attractions of Mo i Rana and pack for the extremes in weather.

Can you sunbathe in Mo i Rana in December?

Not really, December is not the best time to sunbathe, unless you visit a local solarium.

Is Mo i Rana rainy in December?

Mo i Rana is often rainy in December. You may get a bit damp when outside, so pack an umbrella, and maybe even a raincoat.

Is it sunny in Mo i Rana in December?

Usually, it’s not very sunny in Mo i Rana in December, often it’s pretty cloudy. Pack for any eventuality; layering can help reduce the number of bulky items needed.

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Monthly weather in Mo i Rana

Source of the data

For this page, we’ve looked at the typical weather in Mo i Rana, based on historical hourly weather data from January 1, 1979, to December 31, 2022.

For past dates, we show actual recorded data at the location at that time. Forecasts are based on recorded weather during that day of the year, averaged over the total years for which we have records (unless stated otherwise). The daily temperature is the highest recorded temperature in the shadow during that day.